
Recycle Your Flower Pots Into Cute Containers
As people start planting flowers and vegetables in their gardens, there is a plethora of leftover plastic flower pots to deal with. My friend Andrea shared this clever project, recycling her plastic flower containers into cute containers for…

Cookbooks to Inspire You at the Farmers Market
Our local farmers market opens in one week! I'm excited to start picking up some local produce and support our farmers and specialty food makers. The easiest way to get inspired at the market is to ask the farmer how they like to prepare what's…

Monday Meal Plan May 27th
Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone is enjoying a long weekend. We are excited to finally get a day of sun and be able to play outside with the kids all day. The menu this week could be still hasn't arrived so there may be some…

Highlights of the Boston Drool Baby Expo
Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Drool Baby Expo organized by Magic Beans for the second year in a row. It's an event highlighting the latest baby gear, clothes, trends, local companies and more. Since we are having our third…

Choosing between cloth and disposable diapers for nighttime
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Parent’s Choice Overnight Baby Diapers.
I don't talk about it much here on the blog, but we are a cloth diapering family. My friends know this and ask questions when they see the cute cloth…

Monday May 20 Meal Plan
As I prepared my meal plan this week, I thought about how many places I buy my food. There is the local grocery store (which also does our home deliveries), Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Costco and the farmer's market in our town opens up June…

As we get closer to outdoor farmers market season, I’m excited to enjoy some fresh, local ingredients again. Two of my favorites are strawberry and rhubarb. We had a large rhubarb patch in our yard growing up and I have fond memories of my…

Homemade Pizza Dough With A Bread Machine
How many of you eat pizza at home at least once a week? Do you tend to make it yourself or buy it? If you are a regular reader here, you know we have pizza every Friday night on our weekly meal plan. For a long time, we made our pizzas at home…

Monday Meal Plan May 13th
I hope all of my mom readers had a lovely weekend. We spent half of it in Gloucester with family and the other half relaxing at home. It was the perfect weekend, despite some rainy weather. As the weather shifts towards warmer nights, I find…

What is a Wummelbox? {Giveaway}
If I'm not cooking with my kids, you can often find us at the craft table working on some kind of project. Sometimes it's free play with the supplies we have on hand, and other times we work through specific craft activities. We received Kiwi…

Monday Meal Plan May 6
Happy Cinco de Mayo on this Sunday night. We enjoyed not one, but two, Mexican themed dinners with friends this weekend. Both were delicious and it was wonderful to relax with great company. This week's meal plan is pretty streamlined as we…

Green Smoothies Your Kids Will Love to Drink
I pulled together our list of green smoothies your kids will love. My kid's favorite snack lately is a smoothie, always with a dose of greens. My two year old runs into the kitchen saying "moothie" until I make him one. Smoothies are a great…

Creating a Play Closet
It's the last week of Project Simplify and the task was to finish a "Put Off Project." Hmmm...where to start? As we prepare for the new baby's arrival in the coming month(?) we have been frantically purging the house of unused items, extra…

Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt
We are big peanut butter fans in our house. We go through tons of it on sandwiches, on bananas, in smoothies or on apples. I'm also a big fan of chocolate so I decided to combine the two and create a Chocolate Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt recipe.…

Why I am buying the Ultimate Homemaking eBook Library
When I first saw this collection of ebooks I was pretty excited. I already have some of them so was familiar with the authors. This ebook library is pretty big, and each book isn't for everyone. However, there probably is at least 4-5 books…

Monday Meal Plan April 29th
Hello spring! It's finally warmer and everything outside is growing and turning green. As I planned this week's menu, I started looking forward to those days when we can pick everything we need to make a salad from our garden. On Sunday I planted…

Creating a Quiet Activity Desk for Project Simplify Part 2
The Project Simplify challenge this week became a little more in-depth so I decided to split it out into two separate posts. This project features the creation of a quiet activity desk for my preschooler. I used some wasted space to carve out…

Organizing the Gift Wrap for Project Simplify Part 1
Call it Project Simplify. Call it nesting. What I really call it is getting rid of the junk. This week's Project Simplify focus is on "piles." Pretty vague, but I know we all have them. Some of those piles had been there for just too long, so…

How we use PBS Kids Apps and Games to Educate and Entertain our Kids
As I get ready for our next baby to arrive in June, I 'm trying to line up activities to keep my older two children happy. This includes camp, beach time and playmates. But what about those days when we stay home? If we can't enjoy some…

25 Earth Day Outdoor Activities for Kids
Happy Earth Day 2013! While I believe Earth Day should be everyday, I do like being able to highlight easy ways to bring a little more green into your life. Getting kids outside to appreciate nature will make them good stewards of the Earth…

Monday April 22 Meal Plan
Time to think spring and in honor of Earth Day I'm trying to add in some seasonal recipes for this week's meal plan. I'm planning to visit our local farm stand to get some fresh salad greens and maybe some rhubarb for a Strawberry-Rhubarb galette.…