
How to Make Your Own Yogurt
After a few rounds of making my own yogurt, I feel confident enough to share my steps for how to make yogurt in a slow cooker. I've tried to make it in the past using a stove top method with thermometers involved, but never found it that…

Ever Tried Dryer Balls?
I am a dryer ball convert. I know that makes me a little weird since the majority of my friends probably have never even heard of dryer balls. It was probably a year ago that I first read about them. They replace dryer sheets,…

Meal Plan Monday Jan 23
All is well in our house since the Patriots won! We had a fun Taco dinner with friends to start the week off on the right foot. Here is this week's menu details.Monday~ Tomato Soup and maybe some Grilled Cheese too.Tuesday~ First…

Do you Test your Kids Products?
I have a daughter who loves to watch me put lip gloss on. And then I hear, "My turn, my turn." One time she put some lip balm on and it turned her skin all red. Since then, I'm more strict about what I share with her, and it's motivated me to…

Why I Say No to Rainbow Colored Sprinkles
In my quest to eat more real foods, I’ve become more conscious of the how often I see synthetic food dyes in our world. Valentine’s Day candy is already set-up in the stores and it’s a billboard for Red Dye#40. (Synthetic food dyes…

Menu Plan Monday~ Jan 16, 2012
Happy long holiday weekend!Missing from the list is Sunday's great Beef Stew made in the Pressure Cooker tonight for my Mom's birthday. Have I mentioned how much I'm loving my new pressure cooker? 😉 Thanks Mom!While my wonderful…

Step Back in time and Visit Pompeii at the Museum of Science
I have always loved museums, even as a little kid. There is something so grand about the exhibit halls and the amount of information you can absorb seems endless. Now I enjoy it when museums have family friendly activities that keep…

Pressure Cooker Shrimp Risotto
I have been testing out my new Cuisanart Pressure Cooker and recently tried to make risotto. I find it difficult to make risotto on the stove top since it requires so much attention, but I love it. In our quest to avoid relying on…

Meal Plan Monday Jan 9
Chicken chili is from the Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker CookbookRisotto will be a test in the pressure cooker. I'll add in some shrimp at the end.Fish sandwiches will be made with Flounder. I fry them in coconut oil.Burgers and potatoes…

Amazing Deal on Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil
Just an amazing deal to share over at Amazon for the Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
I did the math and it comes out to only $.40/ounce, vs the Tropical Traditions Buy One Get on Free deal which is $.60/ounce.
You need to sign…

The Start of One Bite at a Time
You may have heard me mention I was eating my frogs this week. You may have thought I was a little crazy after the holiday hoop-la. You are probably a little right. At the start of the new year, I love the fresh start it provides.…

Update Mason Jars with Chalkboard Paint
I love collecting glass jars, in all shapes and sizes. I even keep extras on hand of spaghetti sauce or coconut oil jars. There are so many uses for them, both in and out of the kitchen. One way I found to help organize them…

Menu Plan Monday~ Jan 1, 2012
Happy New Year!Here is this week's dinner menu. One of my resolutions for 2012 is to spend more time menu planning. I find such relief when I open my chalkboard closet and find tonight's dinner decision ready and waiting for me.…

Making Family Resolutions
I was a little sad to say goodbye to 2011. Overall it was an amazing year. I realized that as a family, we are much more successful at achieving our goals if we all are partners in the same resolutions.We were blessed with the arrival…

What a difference a year makes
Kids got sleds this year from Grandma & Grandpa. They are towing each other around the house as there is not a flake of snow in our forecast.Then there was last year...the first of MANY snowstorms. Christmas Day was the last…

Meal Plan Dec 26
Here is this week's menu!Monday's Shrimp Scampi used up the extra shrimp cocktail we had from Christmas dinner. I did an easy sauce with leftover baby tomatoes, onion, garlic, and a little white wine. Madison surprised us and liked…

Pull Apart Pumpkin French Toast
Need a new recipe for a New Year's Brunch? Or maybe a cozy breakfast-for-dinner idea on New Year's Eve? I highly suggest the Baked Pumpkin French Toast I found over at Simple Bites. We made it for Christmas morning brunch and…

Merry Christmas!
From my family to yours, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.Best wishes for a wonderful holiday,photo by Nikki Amara Myers

Which Wrapping Papers can be Recycled?
Next week is always a major trash haul with post party rubbish and the remnants of boxes and gift wrapping. Much of the wrapping paper used can be recycled, but a few will cause havoc in the recycling process. Here is a quick run down of…

Easy Last Minute Christmas Decorations
Happy Holidays to all as Hanukkah arrives and Christmas is just three days away. Here are a few quick and easy holiday decorating ideas for anyone that needs some last minute inspiration. Use your Scrabble trays for a holiday greeting.Can't…

A Little Baking Inspiration
Mayan Chocolate SparklersAs this week includes multiple baking sessions, wrapping nights and dinner planning, I'm a trying to stay calm and focused on the important things this season. I'm spreading some blog love and sharing a few sites…