In week 3 of Project Simplify I worked on organizing the toy area of our basement. In the before shot, you can see the havoc a two year can cause with kitchen accessories and blocks.

We don’t have a great system for all the many play things, as seen in this shot.

The space is shared with our office area so it’s distracting when the toy area gets so messy.
After a thorough clean up, there is now space to play, including room for the baby to stretch out for a cat nap!

I am using containers we already had in the house to contain the toys. I sorted through the kitchen stuff and limited it to the nice wooden food and the Green Toys accessories.

If anyone has a favorite way to organize books, I would love to hear it.
Can’t wait to see next week’s hot spot! Stay tuned for next week’s results.
There is a cool book holder at Babies R Us. It has fabric pouches that the books sit in. You could make something similar for the wall too. Just a rod with a long fabric pouch that they can put the books into.