
Weekly Meal Plan: Week 24 2016
This week's meal plan should really be called operation Clean-Out-Pantry. As vacation draws near for so many of us, now is the perfect time to use up what's in our freezer and our pantries. Take some time this week to do an inventory of can…

Weekly Meal Plan: June week 23
Are you ready for another week of getting your meal plan organized?! It's time to put pencil to paper, marker to dry erase board, or fingers to your keyboard. Whatever way you keep track of your meal plan, know that it's okay to change your…

Summer Fitness Essentials
As the weather warms up, it gets easier to be active outside. The fresh air can motivate you to run a little farther than when you are on the treadmill at the gym. Start tracking your activity, water intake and protect your skin while you are…

Weekly Meal Plan: Week 22 2016
Happy Memorial Day weekend! This holiday weekend edition of the meal plan features some simple, healthy recipes for you to test in your kitchen. If you make a recipe you love, share it in a note in the comments. Or, if you are interested, I…

Weekly Meal Plan Week 21
Hello from Canada where we get a holiday weekend a little early while we celebrate Victoria Day. Alas it's still Monday so I have the meal plan ready to go for the week ahead. Meal planning is a part of my Sunday morning routine where I get…

Weekly Meal Plan
I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to start a new week. We have some summery recipes, meatless mains and peppery salads.
Dinner {GF= Gluten Free, P=Paleo, DF=Dairy Free, NF= Nut Free}
Meatless Monday: Mushroom, Kale and Cheddar…

Weekly Meal Plan
After enjoying Mother's Day brunch and some family time, here's this week's meal plan for all of you. Time is tight when it comes to making dinner so I'm checking the prep time on recipes for you. A recipe can be simple with few ingredients,…

Sometimes you get really lucky with a new recipe. The one when every child enjoys it and asks for more until you realize you have run out. Steak quesadillas may not be gourmet, but they keep everyone very happy at our dinner table. I just had…

Weekly Meal Plan + Lemon Tahini Dressing Recipe
Happy May! This week's meal plan kicks off the spring season with a Cinco de Mayo dinner and warm weather flavors. After eating my way through Toronto this weekend it's great to be back in the kitchen. Dinner Monday: 20 minute Turkey Tacos…

Spring Clean Your Schedule
Has the spring cleaning fever hit your home yet? This time of year is great to freshen up your space and clear out the clutter. We tend to think of the physical clutter in our homes first. The junk drawer, the old condiments that need to be…

Weekly Meal Plan
Hello everyone! Thanks for bearing with me as I switched over email providers and for answering my survey questions.The overwhelming answer about challenges to making healthy choices was time. This week I made sure the recipes are not too…

The Top 15 Kitchen Tools You Need to Save Time (and they don't cost a fortune!)
One of the biggest challenges we face in the kitchen is having enough time to cook the type of food we want to serve our family. There is an impression that cooking food from scratch will take an exorbitant amount of time. While in some cases…

Healthy Real Food Recipe Round-Up
Hello! Notice something new around here? Last week I said goodbye to Random Recycling and hello to emilyaroach as my new domain name. Over the past seven years the focus here has shifted from talking about eco-friendly ideas to one that speaks…

Weekly Meal Plan
Welcome back to this week's meal plan. After a week on the road with family and friends I'm so ready to get back into my kitchen and cook! Throughout the week I read through some new cookbooks and blogs to find inspiration. In addition to the…

Weekly Meal Plan
Happy April...snow? What's this white stuff outside my window? I'm going to push it out of my mind and instead think of spring salads and farmers markets opening in the coming weeks. Although we are traveling this week, I wanted to share some…

What to Make with Leftover Ham
Instead of a regular meal plan this week, I thought I would share some meals you can make with leftover ham. If your refrigerator looks likes mine today, these recipe ideas may come in handy. Using up what is in your fridge first is the first…

Weekly Meal Plan
March is ending with a lion's roar it seems. With all the snow in the forecast this week it looks like winter isn't quite ready to let go. There will be some cozy dinner meals this week to help everyone forget it's supposed to be spring.…

Weekly Meal Plan St. Patrick's Day edition
Despite a gloomy start to the week, it's so excited to think spring is around the corner. We celebrate St. Patrick's day this week and quickly swap out the decorations for Easter. Tulips and daffodils are starting to poke their little leaves…

Is "Busy" the new "Fine?"
Beware the barrenness of a busy life. -Socrates
While on vacation, it becomes easy to see some of the habits we have when it comes to our schedules and connectivity. The daily influx of notifications on our phones. Texts. What's up on social…

March Meal Plan
Happy March everyone! It's an exciting month ahead with St. Patrick's Day and Easter to celebrate. We also have March break, friends and family coming to visit and warmer weather to look forward to. Oh, and my birthday next weekend with a trip…

How We Teach Gratitude to Our Children
My Grammy once told me how much she appreciated receiving my thank you notes after the holidays and every birthday. When I was young, all I remember was how long it took to write out those cards. Sending a note is such a simple gesture,…