
Holiday Menu Planning made easy with Free E-book from Delicious Living

Thought everyone may be interested in the free 2010 Delicious Living Holiday Cookbook.  You can download the book here. It downloads as a PDF file which you can print out or keep stored on your computer.I am planning to try out the Caramelized…

Home Depot Light trade-in event starts today

Yes, it's very early to get out your holiday lights.  However, Home Depot is giving you a great reason to get ahead of the game.  You can turn in your old or broken incandescent light strings and get a $3 off discount on the purchase…

Wordless Wed~ Welcome November

Photo taken at Drumlin Farm in Lincoln, MA.  I just can't get enough pumpkins this time of year...welcome to crisper air and cozy sweaters!  If you want to visit a local farm before it gets too cold, visit Local Harvest to find…

My Green Halloween decor

Happy Halloween everyone!I do love this holiday, partly for the fun of seeing everyone dressed up, but also because it kicks off the fall holiday season!Just wanted to share one recent project using natural objects, in this case, driftwood found…

Why Organize Anyway?

As it gets colder outside, I find myself spending more time indoors evaluating my living space.  Is there too much clutter, despite trying to purge things we no longer need?  Is my kitchen organized enough to help me stay prepared…

A better yogurt cup from Stonyfield

My daughter LOVES her yogurt snacks, especially the Yobaby line of products from Stonyfield Yogurt.  I like them because they are rBGH-free, but I don't like that I can't recycle them with my normal plastic.  They were made from #6…

What are you into this month? -Sept 2010

September was a very busy month in our home and I thought I would share some my favorite happenings.  Every September seems to get busier and busier, yet it's my favorite month of the entire year.  I get lost in planning fall recipes…

Hooray for Harvest for Students Week

  This week in Mass schools, many are celebrating Harvest for Students week.  Local farms are bringing their fresh products to their local school cafeteria.  I wish this was around when I was in school, and I wish it wasn't…

Best Green Iphone Apps

I got my Iphone last Christmas and since then I have slowly added a number of great Apps.  Here's a quick look at my favorite "green" Iphone Apps. ( I would like to assume these work on all Smartphones, but if they don't, please share in…

Green Office Supplies for all ages

As the back to school buzz continues, I wanted in on the action.  Even though my child isn't school-age yet, and I'm working full time, I love the fresh start September brings.  New notebooks and fresh pens really make my day.  I…

Wordless Wednesday~ Sweet Summertime

Is anything more simple than ice cream on a summer night?  She really loves getting her own cup of banana ice cream.  The coolest part, it was served in a compostable cup!  The little ice cream shop in our town (Lizzie's) spoons…

Why Pomegranate is Three Seeds Natural's Signature Scent

    We are slowly transitioning from summer to fall with the start of back to school and cooler weather. Actually, the cooler weather has left town for the weekend and we get to enjoy one more heat wave in New England.  (Typical)…

Back-to-School Lunch box ideas

Although my daughter is in daycare full time year round, I still get the back-to-school bug.  I think with September around the corner, it's hard not to think of a fresh start when it comes to routines.  One routine I want to shake…

Baby Shower Eco-Gifts

I always appreciate some unexpected gifts at a baby shower.  While it's great to receive the big ticket items off your registry, it's the unique gifts that can be most memorable.  Here's a couple of eco-chic gifts to bring along to…

Favorite new Iphone app. Great for Bloggers.

I will admit, I do have a love affair with my Iphone.  Especially with all the many apps that have helped me get organized/plan dinner/find a Starbucks/etc.  My latest favorite is the Hipstamatic app, which takes vintage looking photos.…

Reducing waste? Start in your kitchen

Tonight was one of those nights when we need to use up some random ingredients in our fridge so they didn't go bad.  Our favorite meal to prepare when we need to do this is omelets.  I am a firm believer in "breakfast for dinner" nights,…

My Barnes & Noble bag became that?!

Would you believe me if I said I wore jewelry out to a dinner party that was made from old Barnes and Nobles bags?  If I didn't see for myself, I wouldn't believe it either. The bangles were a great conversation starter, as no one would…

Easy Pesto recipe~ garden fresh basil

I'm off to a dinner party tonight at our friend's new home. I'm bringing along a batch of my garden fresh pesto.  I serve it with fresh baked bread, bought from a local bakery.  This is the appetizer served at my favorite restaurant…

Vintage decorations are the best in so many ways...and Big Day news!

Don't you love when you find a cool item for your home, and then realize it's actually vintage?  Not only does it look good, but it's giving new life to an old item.  I had to have one of these vintage Key Plates, the tough part was…

Need a green hostess gift?

Going to a party and need a hostess gift?  Hosting a party yourself?  I love my latest find, Rock Paper Scissors's adorable coasters made from recycled paper pulp. They are great to have on hand for an impromptu get together, as the…

Must read for any mom that makes dinner

For bookclub this summer, we selected a number of books for everyone to choose from.  We give ourselves two months to read at least two books to discuss with the group.  Our goal is to hopefully read a mix of books to then share with…