
What's really in your cleaning spray?
Have you ever asked yourself the question, "Why is living and buying green important to your family?" I find myself asking this question every time I'm at the grocery store making decisions. Organic or local? The only blueberries in the store…

Monday Meal Plan Nov 12
Happy Veteran's Day! I still can't believe it's nearly mid November and Thanksgiving is around the corner. Are you planning your menu yet? Do you make the same thing every year or try out some new recipes?Here is what's on deck for us this week...Sunday~…

Melissa & Doug Terrific Twenty List and Giveaway
Last Christmas, it looked like a Melissa and Doug warehouse sale under our tree. We received so many wonderful gifts for the kids, ranging from a new pink doll house to stackable blocks for the little one. We are big fans of toys…

Winter Skincare Options
The cold has arrived in Boston. I don't mind the chill in the air, but I don't like what it does to my skin. I know the dry air has arrived when my the skin on my hands start to crack. Time to break out some of my favorite winter skin regimens.Coconut…

Container Store Stocking Stuffer Giveaway!
It's about that shopping is in the air. One of my favorite places to get stocking stuffers is at The Container Store. There is something for everyone and they cover tech toys, eco-friendly options, kid options and more.…

Monday Menu Plan Nov 5
I hope this meal plan finds you well, despite the tough week for so many people dealing with storm damage. We are very lucky that our family and friends are safe, although some are still without power. This may be the year we finally buy a generator,…

Last days to pick up the Healthy Living eBook Bundle.
Last chances to pick up the Healthy Living ebook bundle for just $29! ($300 value) To see the full listing of ebook included, check out my first post here. What's Included in the Sale?When you purchase the Healthy Living eBook…

Graco SnugRide Click Connect 40 Car Seat Review
The rules about car seats changed from the time I had my first child to when I had my second. The new recommendation is for children under two years old to remain rear facing for two years, not just one. It isn't a law, but our precious…

How To Make Glitter Slime
When I first spied glitter slime on Pinterest I was hooked. Such a fun project for the kids with a lasting toy to play with. This only requires three ingredients: glitter glue, Borax, and water. It's not too messy and it was easy to make…

Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
I just can't get enough pumpkin these days. Muffins, breads, lattes and finally, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I created this recipe for Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies using Stonyfield yogurt to replace the butter and fats called for…

Healthy Living eBook Bundle~ just $29!
Over the past few years, I've started reading more ebooks. Cookbooks, parenting, and simple living ebooks are the ones I typically buy. Less clutter, but very useful information. I have the Plan It, Don't Panic, Easy.Homemade, and Healthy Snacks…

Monday Meal Plan Oct 29
This little hurricane thing is throwing my meal planning off this week. I don't want to buy too much in case we do lose power, nor do I want to be cooped up without enough healthy meals on hand. The grocery stores were already crazy busy…

Photo Editing Tools for Everyone
Over the past few months, I have had a number of offline friends ask me questions about how to add text to their pictures, make their Facebook cover pictures into a collage and also which photo apps I use on my iPhone. I figured a number of…

Soup Recipe Roundup
It's finally soup season around here. The air is chilly and it's (sadly) getting dark early in the evening. Now is the time for warm and hearty soup.Here are my favorite recipes I've posted here...Slow Cooker Tomato SoupSausage, Bean and…

Monday Meal Plan Oct 22
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent most of mine volunteering (with lots of friends) at the Parent Talk Sale. Super fun event and so wonderful to see clothes and toys go to a second (or third!) home. Sunday we…

Sneak Peek into the new Container Store
Today I was part of a blogging group that was the first to see the new Container Store at the North Shore mall in Peabody, MA. It is the 58th store for the well loved chain and only the third in the Boston area. I am a huge fan of the Container…

What's the deal with Arsenic and Rice?
I'm sharing a guest post today from my friend Anna Hackman of Green Talk. I met Anna at Blogher this year and I'm so impressed with her answers to the many eco-friendly questions parents face today. Recently, the issue of arsenic and rice has…

Aerial Yoga with TD Bank
My first attempt at aerial yogaHave you tried aerial yoga? Have you even heard of it? When I was offered the chance to test it out at a TD Bank sponsored event at the South Boston Yoga Studio, I jumped at it.I received a new yoga outfit from…

Monday Meal Plan Oct 15
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We spent some time with friends processing apples. We made my homemade no-sugar applesauce recipe to start with about 15 apples. It made six pints that we then canned. Then…

Ford Escape Drive Event
Do you have a car that you love? For me, it's our Ford Escape. It was the first car my husband I bought together after our wedding. We got it in 2005 and thought it would be the perfect car for us as newlyweds, but also carry…

International Babywearing Week Boston 2012
When I had my daughter over three years ago, baby wearing was just starting to be a trendy thing. Now a baby carrier is one of the must have's on every baby registry list. Did you know this is International Babywearing Week? October…