
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Our first Kiwi Crate adventure

She loves to paint!I know there are a lots of creative projects for kids floating around on Pinterest but I just don't seem to make them into reality. I'm great around the holidays, but otherwise I feel less inspired. I recently won a Kiwi Crate…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Monday Meal Plan Sept 3

Oh, my. September.  My favorite month of the year.  While I love the beach and summertime, there is something special about September.  Leaves changing colors, apple picking, and finally I can wear my favorite boots again.  Yes, fall is…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Beat the Snack Slump

I am always looking for new ideas for healthy snacks.  There are just some days when we all need something to bridge the afternoon gap from lunch to dinner.  In our house, we often do a late dinner so we can sit down as a family. I…
Zucchini Bread Recipe
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Eco Friendly Lunch Boxes for Kids

Ready for a no-waste lunch! How cute are these lunch boxes for kids. They were not this cute when I was little.  Best part, they are all eco-friendly.  Which one is your favorite?Eco Friendly Lunch Boxes for Kids by randomrecycling…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Love for The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure and Giveaway

If someone told me I was going to take my three and one year olds to the movies together, I would have thought they were crazy.  No way would they sit still for a movie in a dark theater.  Turns out I can take them to a movie.Last…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Monday Meal Plan Aug 27

Wow, last week of summer.  I hope you all have some wonderful plans and not quite into the thick of back to school business.  I relooked at my summer bucket list to see if there is anything else I can still check off. There are a couple of…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Moo Green Business Card Review and Giveaway

Are any of you paper lovers?  You get excited by a brand new notebook and fun stationary?  I have always been one of those people.  Maybe it's partly why I love making lists on fun paper.  Making business cards has been one…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Blackberry Elixir to Kick a Cold

I know no one wants to think about cold and flu season, but now is the time to get ahead of the game.  Blackberries are coming into season here in the Northeast.  While they can be a bit strong tasting on their own, they pack a powerful…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Monday Meal Plan Aug 20

Happy Monday everyone! As I prepare my meal plan for the week, I'm also shopping for my groceries.  In my pajamas. How many of you do your food shopping online?  I tend to do it about once a month when I need to restock some basics, or there…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Eco-friendly back to school

Who's ready for Back to School?! Say it isn't so.  I'm just not ready.  If you are in the thick of it, here are a few fun eco-friendly treats for back to campus, or just some cool green gear for Moms dealing with the back to school…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Gardening and Generosity

This is my first year with a big garden.  Big being multiple raised beds, containers and hanging herbs.  We made the garden a family affair from the beginning and continue to work together to harvest, weed and water all of our growing plots. The…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Menu planning in a sauna

Is it too hot to cook where you are? I find myself losing motivation to stay in my kitchen when it hovers above 90 degrees.  Short of eating ice cream for dinner, what can we do? My plan is to mix up the routine a little this week.  We…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

The Highs and Lows of Blogher 2012

What a whirlwind.  Blogher 2012 was an amazing experience, but not for the faint of heart.  It's busy, crowded, fun, and hectic, all while offering 5000 women a chance to learn more about social media. Here are some pictures and some…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Stress Free Back-to-School Shopping

Beautiful Stockmar CrayonsDo you ever feel stressed out about the back-to-school frenzy? The lists, the clothes, the anxiety of new places and so on.  As a parent, it's our job to stay calm in the face of the growing to-do list.  Here…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

My Summer Biotrue Challenge Complete

Hello August!  Really, it's already here.  The lazy days of summer are slowly coming to an end.  Enjoy them and all they have to offer.I spent last month relaxing at the beach.  Tough life, right?  There were lots of…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Monday Meal Plan Aug 6

I am so excited to start working on my meal plans again.  They are a key way to organize my week, my grocery list, and my family is on the same page.  Taking a month off from meal planning was perfect.  It gave me a little more…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

This blogger is going to BlogHer

It feels like ages ago when I first thought about going to BlogHer, the BIG blogging conference.  I had so many conflicting thoughts about going.  Am I worthy enough to go? Is my blog big enough to get noticed by brands? Is this the…

Zoku Popsicle Fun

My kids are popsicle crazy.  Morning, noon and night they want to make popsicles.  In my quest to avoid unnatural food dyes and excess sugar, we started making our own popsicles.  Welcome Zoku to the family. Zoku makes popsicles super fast.…
canning tomatoes
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How to Host a Canning Party

Please welcome my guest writer Mary who shares her experience of hosting a canning party, plus her recipe for Sassy Tomato Salsa.  Many hands make less work.  Leave a comment and share what you would make at your canning party.   When…
Zucchini Bread Recipe
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Nana's Zucchini Bread

When I think of my Nana, I usually think of her in the kitchen.  Amazing things came out of that kitchen, including a fair share of baked goods.  I recently found her Zucchini Bread recipe and gave it a try.  Zucchini is in abundance…
Zucchini Bread Recipe

Family Pizza Night

If you are a regular follower of my weekly meal plans, you will note that we often do family pizza night on Fridays.  This isn't a night out or an order-in evening.  It is simply making pizza at home with the kids' help.  They…