It feels like ages ago when I first thought about going to BlogHer, the BIG blogging conference.  I had so many conflicting thoughts about going.  Am I worthy enough to go? Is my blog big enough to get noticed by brands? Is this the best next step for my blogging growth?  Will I know anyone there?

Here is the good news.  I think I will know a lot of people there.  Despite being attended by over 4,000 women, I will know a large handful of them.  Thank you to the Boston social media groups that have helped me through this maze of BlogHer preparation.  I am going prepared with contact lists, party invitations, session recommendations and more importantly, lots of friendly faces to look for.

Will going to this conference help me achieve my next set of blogging goals?  Well that remains to be seen.  I’m trying to build a balanced schedule of class sessions and time to meet up with the brands I would love to work with.  I am resigned to the fact that I can’t do it all, but that is ok.  I am a green blogger focusing on healthy living choices.  Does it make sense for me to talk with every brand? No.  The best thing I read this week was to be true to yourself and not get caught up in the hype of BlogHer.   I’m sure it is easier said than done, but at least I know I’m walking in open to the whole experience, wherever it takes me.

Did I mention Martha Stewart is speaking? MARTHA.  I love Martha and it was my nickname in high school since I spent more than my fair share of time in the home ec room sewing and cooking.  I’m delighted to finally hear her speak in person.

Oh, and the President is going to share a message too.  Guess he thinks BlogHer is big too.

The list goes on of celebrity attendees. I know the next few days will be a rush, but I’m counting on Nikki, Amanda and Lollie to keep me grounded.  Thanks for taking this ride with me!  See you on the other side.

Are you going to BlogHer? What are you looking forward too?

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Plan It, Don’t Panic ~easy, nutritious recipes and meal planning strategies
Healthy Snacks to Go ~ healthy granola bars, lara bars and more snack recipes
One Bite at a Time ~ organizing, one task at a time

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