It’s that time again. Spring clean-out is around the corner. If you want a little motivation to get moving, I highly suggest checking out Project Simplify from Simple Mom. Over four weeks, you get a little kick in the pants to target an area that needs some TLC. I did this project last year and still remember the bags of clothes to donate coming out of my closet. It was refreshing. But I also had an infant so I was also just a wee bit sleep deprived. This time around I have all my favorite pins in my Organization Board all ready to go for inspiration.
Although the sleep deprivation hasn’t totally changed this go round, I am pleased to see Tsh is sharing the “hot spots” ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. I’ll be sharing my progress at the end of each week and then there will be a link up of similar posts on the Simple Mom site where you can get loads of other organizing idea. It will be a major “pinning” party over there.
Here is the schedule of hot spots if you want to play along
- Week of March 5: Kids’ stuff- toys, clothes and the like
- Week of March 12: Kitchen and/or pantry
- Week of March 19: Closets, countertops and drawers
- Week of March 26: Choose your own adventure- you pick your most-needed hot spot.
I’m reading Tsh’s book Organized Simplicityto get some new ideas for the kids’ toy area. I need to figure out a better strategy for our basement set of toys. (This is the link to the Kindle
version which is free for Amazon Prime members)
If you are in an organizing mood, you may want to check out Tsh from Simple Mom’s One Bite at a Time. I’m reading this weekly and enjoying tackling some manageable challenges each week.
I ordered some chalkboard contact paper today to work on a new label idea. There will also be a giveaway for Naked Binders during the course of Project Simplify to help inspire you to get organized.
What’s your Hot Spot you want to see on this list?
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