Oh, March. You have been such a lion. At least we got our fix of cute little lambs this weekend at Drumlin Farms Woolapalooza. Otherwise let’s just turn the page on the calendar and hope for warmer days ahead.
A few of this week’s dinner recipes come from the Dinner: A Love Story book I mentioned in last week’s books I’m reading post. I’ve made two so far (Emily’s Meatloaf and the Pork Roast Ragu) and they were both delicious. I’m most looking forward to seeing how the kids like Spiky Meatballs!
S- Pork Roast Ragu from Dinner: A Love Story. (Awesome dinner with friends, post kids bedtime. Felt like grown ups for awhile.)
S- Lemon Chicken Stew
M- Clean Out Refrigerator Night
T- Breaded Chicken Cutlets (from D:ALS) , Roasted Asparagus
W- Spiky Meatballs, Salad
T- Dinner Out
F- Pizza Night
S- UCONN Game Night!! Their night at the Final Four calls for Chili and Cornbread. Go Huskies…I have to say that as my husband is a Husky. 😉

Kids are going to love these spiky meatballs! Source
What’s on your dinner plan this week? Come back next week to see what’s cooking in April!
For more inspiration, see my past menus here, or the Pinterest board here, or OrgJunkie for a link-up of meal plans. Affiliate links are included here.