Here’s a quick list of some Father’s Day gifts for those of you who haven’t picked out anything yet, and you know who you are…

Titleist Pro V1 AAA Recycled Golf Balls (36 Pack)
For the golfer in your life, see if he’ll notice any difference in hitting a recycled golf ball.
Made by Hand: Searching for Meaning in a Throwaway World
I just started reading this book myself and it’s quite amusing.  It could inspire Dad to finish a project he started…
Sodastream Fountain Jet Soda Maker Starter Kit
If you drink seltzer like we do in our house, this is a must have. It will cut down on your consumption of plastic bottles, and you can create your own favorite flavor combinations.
Men's Earth Organic Cotton T-shirt (Large)
I have been on a quest for “cool” tees for my husband this season.  It has not been an easy task, but this one passed the test.
Lastly, maybe Dad doesn’t need another gift.  A relaxing afternoon and a great steak dinner may be all he really wants.  How will you be celebrating Father’s Day?

1 reply
  1. Brittany says:

    Stopping by your blog from the Lady Bloggers Society. Wish I saw this a few days ago… that book would have been perfect for my dad! I'll have to keep it in mind for his b-day.

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