Kids Artwork as Wrapping Paper

 I do love wrapping Christmas every year, as long as I don’t leave it till the end.  The need to ship so many gifts this year has kept me on track by making a dent in my wrapping progress.

Newspaper as Wrapping Paper

I like to use a variety of materials for wrapping gifts, including the two shots above.  The first is my daughter’s painting from school, embellished with red baker’s twine

The second is newspaper, which works best if you find a piece with lots of type on it, not colorful advertisements. I got the idea last year and wrote a
post about it, which included some amazing gift tags as well. Maybe next year I’ll have time for that. 

There are some other awesome packaging idea on Pinterest.  I started a board of my favorites for embellishing brown paper packages. Let me know if you have any favorite pictures and leave a link in the comments.

Happy Wrapping!
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This post is being shared with the Green Resource at Greenbacks Gal.

As a blogger who gets to review a lot of really fun stuff, sometimes I get products that are intriguing, but I’m not totally excited to try it.  Case in point, an herbal first aid spray.  No one really wants to have to use a first aid spray, yet there seems to be many opportunities to test it out lately.

I received the Omyst organic healing first aid spray just before I had a freckle biopsied on my foot.  Anyone that knows me knows that I get at least 1-4 freckles checked out every year since I have a history of skin cancer on both sides of my family.  The minor surgery involved for biopsies or a full excision is not a big deal to me, but the recovery time is always very bothersome to me.  My skin HATES band-aids, tapes, etc. You name it and I’ve tried it.  My skin gets irritated to the point where I have blisters wherever the bandage was applied.  I hope this explains why I was actually excited to test out the Omyst.

After the surgery, I had to leave the bandage on for 24 hours.  After the first shower, I sprayed the Omyst.  It did sting a little, but it sensation didn’t last long as it does have analgesic properties.  I left my foot out to air dry, probably about five minutes before one of my children needed me.  I kept up with spraying the Omyst over the stitches for the next two weeks.  For the first time, I didn’t get the horrible reaction I usually get with band-aids, despite still using them while I had stitches.  Omyst recommends leaving the wounds open to the air, but that just doesn’t work with stitches and the need for socks in November.

Thankfully, this freckle was benign so I didn’t have to go through the ordeal all over again.  (Stiches in your foot is no picnic.)  Next year when I have my annual dermatology appointment, at least I’ll be prepared.  Since the surgery, we have tried the Omyst for a variety of scratches and cuts.  Since there is a sting factor, I don’t recommend using this on little kids when they first cut themselves.

Omyst is made with organic calendula, yarrow, plantain and wild roses.  It’s a non-toxic spray that now has a home in my diaper bag.

You can purchase Omyst online at their Store, or enter in your zip code to find a retailer closest to you.
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Disclosure: I was provided a sample of the Omyst organic healing first aid spray.  This did not influence my opinion shared here.

Here is this week’s plan.  I had some technical difficulties last night posting so it’s a day late.  After hosting a rather large holiday open house last weekend, I planned some very simple meals for this week. I don’t think I need to bake desserts for awhile since we were blessed with many chocolate covered confections from family and friends.

I do need to start prepping my homemade gifts of granola so I am trying to schedule my baking sessions.
There was an amazing packaging idea I saw at Design Sponge so I’m on a quest to gather some of those materials together as well.  It if comes out pretty, I’ll share some pictures.

Here is the super easy recipe for Salsa Chicken, made in the Crock Pot/Slow Cooker.

1. Spray slow-cooker with non-stick spray and add chicken breasts (2-6 depending on how many you want to serve.
2. Cover with 1-1 1/2 cups of Salsa
3. Cook on high 3-3/12 hours.
4. For the last 15 mins of cooking, add 1 teaspoon ground cumin, a pinch of red chile powder and 3 tablespoons of fresh lime juice.

*This recipe was adapted from one of my favorite slow-cooker cookbooks, Not Your Mother’s Slow Cooker Cookbook

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This post is being shared with Menu Plan Monday at I’m an Organizing Junkie

I attended a wonderful event today and got to listen to Dr. Meg Meeker talk about how to prepare ourselves and our kids for the cold and flu season. Dr. Meg has four children and has been a pediatrician for 25 years.  No one wants their holidays derailed by a sick child so the information she provided was very timely.

Dr. Meg had few must have’s on her list of what all parents should have at home in preparation for cold and flu season.

1. Tylenol
2. Motrin
3. Saline nose drops (especially for kids under one)
4. Ear Aspirator
 (I didn’t even know these existed! It’s like a bulb syringe, but with a pointier tip)
4. Thermometer

5. Humidifier

We got to learn about the new Vicks Behind the Ear thermometer while we were at Finale today.  Dr. Meg explained that the different places we take a temperature reading vary based on how close it is to blood vessels.  Behind the Ear provides a more accurate reading as it’s close to major blood vessels. ( I have been using the temporal (forehead) thermometer for the past few years, but I never felt that it was super accurate.) The Vicks thermometer has a memory that stores the last eight readings so you can see if a fever is rising, or hopefully falling, in your child.  It’s also color coded to you know that if the light blinks red, it’s time to call the pediatrician.

Dr. Meg shared a few other helpful tips today in dealing with fevers in little kids.

-keeping kids hydrated is very important
       -offer Pedialyte, (no Gatorade for kids under 2) mix it with a little juice if your kids don’t like the taste
-tepid baths are helpful, be nice and don’t put kids into a cold bath.
-use a vaporizer for kids that have a nasty, barking cough, which offers more moisture in the air than a standard humidifier.
-clean toys with an antibacterial cleaner
-change toothbrushes at least once a month, more if they are sick.

I asked Dr. Meg after the presentation if she has any natural remedies that she relies on.  She said she likes both Zycam and the Airborne products, as both Zinc and Echinacea have both been proven to reduce the duration of colds and flues. She wasn’t familiar with Elderberry Syrup so I am still on my own hoping that it is helping us stay healthy.

I was also provided a copy of Dr. Meg’s book 10 Habits of Happy Mothers.

I am looking forward to reading this and sharing with you a review at a later date.  When she said we should let our kids be “bored,” she had me hooked into reading her book.  
What are you doing to help keep everyone in your house healthy this season?  Any other tips to share?

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Thanks to Boston Parent Bloggers for sharing this event!

Sometimes I read books that are a little light and easy to read.  Other times I go for something more meaty and though provoking.  Skinny Bitch: Home, Beauty & Style falls somewhere in the middle.  I have been referencing this book for the past month on my bedside table, enjoying it before hitting the sack.  It’s written by Kim Barnouin, who is well known for her Skinny Bitch series of books. There are also tons of random stories by other authors, beauty product manufacturers and more to keep the book from feeling too one sided.

Kim is pretty in your face when it comes to talking about the junk that is in our beauty products, rugs, cleaning products and the list goes on. (The title says it all, doesn’t it?) Throughout the book, Kim offers real scientific evidence of the chemicals in certain products and the effects on our bodies.  Did you know there are animal parts in nail polish?!  I certainly didn’t. I found the products she recommends really helpful as I really want to “green” my beauty products this year.  I always buy the most eco-friendly brand for my kids, but I still end up buying Pantene conditioner and Secret deodorant for myself.

What I love most about the book is that while sharing a ton of information about a serious subject, she keep it light with headlines like “Toxins in your Hoo-Has”. The variety of stories has been entertaining, and I still haven’t read them all.  I knew it was a good book when my husband’s cousin checked in with me to ask if I had any recommendations for them in choosing an eco-friendly flooring.  I referenced the book first and learned what to look for in a rug, or when it’s better to skip a rug entirely.

One lucky reader has the chance to win a copy of Skinny Bitch: Home, Beauty & Style. This would make a great holiday gift for someone, or hold on to it and read as inspiration for some New Year’s resolutions.

Mandantory entry: Please leave a comment on this post, including your email.

Additional entries for the giveaway: Please leave a separate comment for each action, up to a total of 4 entries.
*Follow Random Recycling on Facebook
*Follow Healthy Bitch Daily and Random Recycling on Twitter.
*Sign up for our email list (I don’t share!)

This giveaway is open until Dec 16th, a winner will be selected and notified via email.
Winning entry must have a valid US address to ship the book.

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Disclosure: I was provided a copy of the book for review. This did not influence my opinions shared here. Book links are affiliate links that help support this website, thanks!

 I’m so excited that my new chalkboard kitchen cabinet is finally finished!  There is a large, door-like cabinet in my kitchen that we painted with both magnetic and chalkboard paint.  The chalkboard part works great, the magnetic part not so much. We used a spray paint for the magnetic paint, if I did it again I would use a traditional paint.  I find this is a great way for me to reduce the amount of paper floating around my kitchen.  Good for the environment, and good for my sanity.

Above is our menu plan for this first week of December. (is it really December?!  It’s just way too warm here around Boston to feel like December!)  The chili was perfect yesterday after spending the afternoon at the Needham Holiday House Tour.  Adding the adobo chiles is making a big impact without making it too spicy.  Tonight is our homemade chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries and leftover (L/O) rice.  My favorite part about using the chalkboard for the menu plan is that I can easily update it if something changes mid-week.

 Madison also loves her new section of the door.  This has been a great way to keep her in the kitchen with me while I get dinner prepped.

The only challenge is keeping this little guy OUT of the cabinet!

If you have any questions about making the chalkboard cabinet, let me know!
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This post is part of Menu Plan Monday at I’m an Organizing Junkie, Frugally Sustainable and SortaCrunchy’s Green Resource

Today is one of my favorite events of the holiday season, the Needham Holiday House Tour. It always gets me motivated to get into decorating mode at home.  There are so many easy take-aways that I can recreate at home, or at least try. It’s a special day too because I get to share it with my Mom, Grammy, and Aunt Maryellen.  Three generations getting together is always a great day in my book.  Plus we had Christy and Joanne join us for the girls afternoon out too!
Here are a few of the highlights for me, we were allowed to take pictures of the spectacular tables and a few of the arrangements. The beach table was my favorite!

What is your favorite thing you love to take out during the holiday season to decorate with?

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I’m packing up all the pumpkins paraphernalia in the house this week and looking forward to decking my halls in the coming week.  Here’s a little candy to start the holiday season off on the right foot.  I love to decorate with candies for the holidays.  It may be peppermint puffs for Christmas, Cadbury Eggs for Easter and rock candy for the 4th of July.

Here is a sample of ideas to decorate with candy that can then be enjoyed as a party goes on, or maybe after the presents are opened on Christmas morning.

 I would double up with two vases, one larger than the other so the candy remains edible in the outer vase.  (Here is an option from Pottery Barn.)  This does get a little tricky when your little ones (or husband) get into the candy before you are ready to part with the display.

Lastly is a cute way to decorate with glass huricanes and wine glasses~ gumballs!

Happy Decorating!

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Images from and

Select images from the Holiday magazine, published by Good Housekeeping, Redbook and Country Living. The magazine covers topics of decorating and entertaining with many recipes and beautiful photography.  I received a copy of the magazine to review which in no way influenced me sharing this here.

This post is being shared with SortaCrunchy Green Resource, Learning the Frugal Life, 5MinutesforMom.

As I try to organize our home for holidays, I am finding some random kid craft supplies that are looking a little tired.  My daughter went through a phase of eating crayons, so we have a few too many half eaten blue crayons in our art box.  I think it’s time to send them off to a new home.

The Crayon Recycle Program takes all your unwanted, half eaten, paper torn crayons and creates new crayons. All you have to do is box up the misfit crayons and mail them to this address if using UPS or Fed Ex:

Crayon Recycle Program
21365 W. Highway 40 #34
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
 If you use USPS, please mail to PO Box 772711, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477.

Want to buy some recycled crayons? You can purchase Eco Stars from Amazon for $9.75 currently. I would love to give these out to some of the kids on my Christmas list.

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This post was shared with  Frugally Sustainable 

It’s almost time for the boxes of holiday decor to make their way down from the attic. If I remember correctly we have a couple strands of Christmas lights that are on their last legs. Just checked and Home Depot is doing their holiday light recycling program again. is also offering their recycling program again. Box up your lights and fill out their Christmas light recycling form and mail to: Recycling Program

C/O Classic Turning, Inc.
4905 James McDivitt Street
Jackson, MI 49201-8958

Once they receive your lights, you will receive a 25% off coupon for their website so you can purchase energy saving LED Christmas lights.
There are also select CVS stores that are accepting holiday light to recycle.
Know of any additional places to recycle old Christmas lights? Please share here in the comments.
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