Simple slow cooker turkey chili is a healthy dinner for the whole family. Dairy free, gluten free and full of vegetables, plus a secret ingredient.
How can my week ahead not be fun when my itinerary includes Cookie Monster? What’s sillier is that my kids won’t even be with me. I’m off to San Francisco for the PBS annual meeting. As a PBS Kids blogger, I was lucky enough to be included.
In order to prep the household for my departure, I planned lots of the kids favorite dinners. Plus the prep is easy enough for Grandma, who thankfully is filling for me.
M- Hamburgers, corn and coleslaw
T- Honey Balsamic Drumsticks, steamed zucchini
W- Meatballs in crock pot, spaghetti and spinach salad with strawberries.
T- Chicken cutlets. Chef’s choice!
F- Playgroup pizza party!
Have a great week!
Monday may nearly be over but here is this week’s meal plan. I decided to take a holiday with the kids and enjoy some awesome fall weather. These days are numbered so get outside!
Monday~ Zesty Chicken and salad. {Turned into a leftover night as the chicken took twice as long to cook as the directions indicated….lots of chicken salad in our future.}
Tuesday~ Slow cooker chicken chili
Wednesday~ Meatloaf, sweet potatoes. Might do mini meatloaf muffins for the kids. I toss lots of veggies into my meatloaf and the kids don’t notice.
Thursday~ CORN {Clean. Out. Refrigerator. Night}
Friday~ Pizza {Daddy’s in charge!}
Saturday~ Pumpking Carving Party night!
Sunday~ Absolutely Onion Pot Roast (Wildtree Freezer Meal), carrots and egg noodles.
For more inspiration, see my past menus here, or the Pinterest board here, or OrgJunkie for a link-up of meal plans.
Happy end of September! I hope you have enjoyed this first month of fall. This week’s meal plan features our favorite fish, a slow cooker freezer meal and homemade chicken soup. Have a great week!
For more inspiration, see my past menus here, or the Pinterest board here, or OrgJunkie for a link-up of meal plans.
Finally, a beautiful Sunday to start the week. I hope that means winter’s grasp on us is loosening a bit. After getting another foot of snow last week, I’m so ready for spring.
I am currently reading the Weelicious: 140 Fast, Fresh, and Easy Recipes cookbook, courtesy of our local library. Anyone else get cookbooks out of the library? It’s a great way to test drive some new ones to see if they work well with your style of cooking. I know I have a good one if I add a ton of post it notes while reading, or I try to renew it. My friend Christy has a good rule: If you try to renew it at least three times, then it’s probably worth investing in.
Here is the menu for the week ahead…
Sunday~ Turkey Sausage and Spinach Lasagna. This was a hearty Sunday dinner, although not a favorite with the kids. I would make it again and just save some sausage crumbles and raw spinach for the kid’s dinner next time.
Monday~ BBQ Chicken in the slow cooker. Make BBQ sandwiches with corn on the side.
Tuesday~ CORN (Clean Out Refrigerator Night)…Mom’s going out!
Wednesday~ It’s my birthday so I’m going with one of my favorites, Taco night! This will be a make your own creation with some rice and beans on the side. My in-laws arrive for a visit so it will be a festive night. Now…which cake to buy?
Thursday~ Turkey Pesto Meatballs from the Weelicious cookbook. I found some of our homemade basil pesto from the end of the summer tucked away in our deep freezer. I’m happy to use it up in this new recipe. Linguine on the side, plus a salad.
Friday~ Pizza night! I finally found a good pizza dough recipe for the break maker.
What’s on your menu plan this week?
For more inspiration, see my past menus here, or the Pinterest board here, or OrgJunkie for a link-up of meal plans.
Monday Meal Plan Feb 25th
It’s Sunday and snowing yet again. Is it spring yet? With the chill still in the air, this week’s menu plan features lots of slow cooker recipes, soups and easy dinners. We are trying to incorporate some additional meatless meals and if you have a great recipe, please share.
On the menu this week…
Sunday~ Italian Medallion Chicken with spaghetti and stir fry veggies on the side. This is one of Wildtree Freezer meals.
Monday~ Use the leftover chicken and make a caesar salad. If time allows, I think I’ll make the dressing from scratch using this recipe, except I’ll use anchovy paste instead of fillets.
Tuesday~ Sweet and Sour Meatballs in the slow cooker/Ninja. So nice to cook the meatballs in the Ninja and then dump all the rest in. Served on a skewer the kids should love this new recipe.
Wednesday~ I’m attempting a meatless chili…going to wing it using black and pinto beans, homemade salsa, corn and tomatoes frozen from the summer and some fresh peppers.
Thursday~ CORN {Clean Out Refrigerator Night}
Friday~ Chickpea Stew with Apricots (repeat meatless meal that I loved!) Great option during the Lenten season.
Saturday~ Pizza
Sunday~ Cabbage Rolls in the slow cooker
What are you making this week? For more inspiration, see past weeks menus here, or the Pinterest board here, or OrgJunkie for a link-up of meal plans.
Ever try to make your own Tomato Soup? After reading the label on my favorite tomato soup, I decided to test out other organic options. Nothing ever hit the mark. I’ve cooked it before on the stove and never really been happy with the results. Finally tried it in the crock pot and it came out fabulous! I served it alongside grilled cheese sandwiches for a simple dinner one night, then added barley to it to make it into a lunch.

- 1 large Onion chopped.
- 1 stick of butter
- 28 oz Can of Whole Tomatoes
- 1/2 Cup White Wine I used Sauvingnon Blanc
- 1 Tbl Sugar
- 1 Tsp Dried Tarragon
- Sea Salt
- Sour Cream for serving
- In a large skillet, melt the butter on medium heat. Add onion and cook for about 15 minutes until softened. Stir often. (Or, set slow cooker to saute and complete this task in the main cooker.)
- Add tomatoes (do not drain), wine, sugar and tarragon into the crock pot. Add onion and butter. Cover and cook on Low for 5 hours.
- Puree using an Immersion Blender
- or in a blender in batches. Season with salt. Serve with cold sour cream.

Free Meal Plan