
If you have lots of plum tomatoes in your garden, or can find some well priced ones at your market, here’s an easy sauce recipe with tons of flavor. We have made it three times as our plum tomatoes ripened and it’s fairly quick. It tasted…

Monday Meal Plan Sept 9 with The Fresh 20
This week's meal plan is a little different. I've partnered with The Fresh 20 on their fall campaign to #getfresh, empowering children to take charge of their health. Making the right food choices for your family, and especially children,…

Monday Meal Plan Sept 2nd
Happy September everyone! Although summer is ending, I can't help but get excited for some fall dinners. Slow cooking, Sunday dinners and chili will be back into our usual rotation soon. While it's still warm out, we are still using the grill…

Creative Ways to Use Your Beach Treasures
If you frequented the beach this summer, there is a good chance you have collected a stash of seashells, sea glass or driftwood. On our beach, we are lucky to also collect sand dollars. The big question at the end of the season is what to do…

A week for mama in my electric car
I was inspired by Megan Tietz who writes over at SortaCrunchy when she discussed "A Month for Mama." As a mom with 6 month old twin boys, and two other girls, she has her hands full with taking care of other family members. As I read through…

As the summer nears its end, the gorgeous tomatoes of the season are ready for your table. We have in our garden San Marzano plums, Brandywines and striped romas, just to name a few. There is no better flavored tomato than one just picked from…

Monday Meal Plan August 19th
Looks like summer is back this week so the meal plan is light and easy to accomplish. Best wishes to anyone starting the back to school schedule this week. With preschoolers in the house, we still have another month before school starts. I need…

Time to get mom organized for back to school (Giveaway)
When we think about back-to-school it's usually about getting the kids ready. But really it's mom's time to get ready for back to school. Here's some quick tips for getting Mom ready for afterschool sports, birthday parties, meal planning and…

Some of you know we are trying to incorporate more meatless meals into our weekly meal plan. Meatless Monday (or really any day) appeals to me for three big reasons:
It’s eco-friendly to eat less meat
It makes me use up some of our…

Monday Meal Plan August 12th
How is it nearly the middle of August? I'm not quite ready for back to school fever and just want to enjoy my summer meal planning with easy dinners and ice cream for dessert. The week started off right with an impromptu BBQ with our neighbors.…

Canon Powershot G15 Giveaway from 42nd Street Photo
This year I've spent a fair amount of time trying to improve my photography skills. I have a great camera and finally learned how to shoot manual, thanks to a class by the wonderful Kerry Goodwin. I'm excited to partner with other bloggers…

Monday Meal Plan August 5
This week's meal plan came together after a visit to the Needham Farmers Market. I haven't been since June and I have missed seeing what's new from our farmers. I took Madison to the market and she helped pick out fresh peaches, corn and just…

The Meal Plan Returns
Welcome meal plan readers! I have missed you and I'm excited to return to the weekly meal planning process after a great break. There's lots of new recipes to try from my Pinterest boards and the magazines I devoured at the beach this month.…

Here is a little sneak peek into our vacation at the beach this year. Summer entertaining with good friends and neighbors is what it’s all about. The beach bash menu is easy after a day of swimming and can be served at home or at the beach.

Goodbye Google Reader, Hello BlogLovin
If you are busy this summer like me, you barely noticed that Google Reader has bit the dust. Thankfully there are a couple of new feed readers you can use to keep up with your favorite blogs. Many have a more visual format, similar to Pinterest.…

7 Surprising Things You Can Recycle
I'm welcoming Kristina from The Greening of Westford back again today to highlight a few things you can recycle that you may not be aware of. Everyone assumes I write a "recycling" blog when they hear my blog name, but it isn't what I spend…

Baby's First Beach Trip
Have you ever felt intimidated about bringing a baby to the beach? While it's not always the easiest adventure, I wanted to share with you a few of our must pack items. We are preparing for our annual beach vacation, this time with…

When I think of summer I think of watermelon. Eating it as a child and spitting out the black seeds with the juice dripping down my arms. Now I enjoy it with my family, just without the seeds. In an effort to increase my fluids while nursing,…

Coconut Oil: 3 in 1 Beauty Product
As I continue my maternity leave this month, I wanted to share this recipe from Kristina, the writer behind The Greening of Westford. I am a huge fan of coconut oil; it was my belly butter of choice during my nine months of being pregnant.…

10 Safe Sunscreens for Every Budget
It's hard to avoid all the articles recently talking about the safety of sunscreen. If you love to play outside like our family, sunscreen is one of those summer necessities you spend a lot of time applying and reapplying. What's really in the…

Meet Connor!
Last week we welcomed Connor Charles on Thursday. He arrived in the afternoon at 8 pounds, 1 oz. He looks a lot like his brother and sister and is doing great. We are all in love with him already.
I'll be taking a little time off from writing…