It’s nearly Dr. Seuss’s birthday and how about a serving of Green Eggs and Ham to celebrate! We hosted a fun Dr. Seuss party last year and shared a bunch of our party pictures, including the one for Green Eggs and Ham. Everyone has been asking for the recipe how-to. Here is the easy answer to pull off a cute dessert for the kids. You can also do this with all green for St. Patrick’s day, red and green for Christmas or red and white for Valentine’s day. Have fun baking and include your kids in this easy to make recipe. Dr. Seuss’s birthday is March 2nd and there are lots more party ideas here for home or school.

- Waffle pretzels
- White Chocolate Melting Discs
- Green Sixlets or Green M&M's
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Spread out waffle pretzels in rows on a parchment lined baking sheet.
- Place one melting chocolate disk on top of each pretzel.
- Bake in oven for about 1-2 minutes until chocolate is soft. Remove from oven.
- Quickly place a sixlet (or M&M) into the center of each disk.
- Let cool at least one hour, or place in refrigerator to cool faster.

Generally you can find most ingredients in your local grocery store, plus the candy at Michaels. I have also had luck ordering the specific colors I need off of Amazon (both affiliate links, no cost to you to support this site {thanks}).
Sixlets Lime Green Candy 1lbWilton White Candy Melts, 12-Ounce