Here is this week’s menu!
Monday’s Shrimp Scampi used up the extra shrimp cocktail we had from Christmas dinner. I did an easy sauce with leftover baby tomatoes, onion, garlic, and a little white wine. Madison surprised us and liked the shrimp, although she keeps calling it “lobster.”
The Sirloin Roast is actually in my new Pressure Cooker (noted on the menu plan with PC). Stay tuned for more pressure cooker recipes as I get more familiar with it. (update~ the 3 lb roast was slightly more done than I would like. I would decrease the cooking time to 30-35 mins if I do this one again. Pretty cool though to make a roast in less than an hour.)
Salmon will probably be a maple syrup glaze and baked. Easy and everyone, including the almost 11 month old little guy, will be able to eat this. I’m all for making one meal for everyone, I’m getting tired of the purees!
Meatloaf will be spiced up with chile garlic sauce. Usually this is a grown up only dish, but sometimes Madison surprises us!
This menu plan is being shared on I’m an Organizing Junkie.
Great looking menu!! I love Salmon! Love your menu board too!! Great idea!