healthy holiday gifts for everyone on your list

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…and time to pick out some healthy holiday gifts to kick off the new year in style. I pulled together a list of my favorite wellness items that will appeal to a wide variety of people on your gift list. I love gift giving, especially when it’s something that’s going to support your overall health. You will see a trend that I picked out gifts that are practical, with some extra beautiful ones just for fun.

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healthy holiday gifts for everyone on your list

Healthy Holiday Gifts for Women

Aroma Globe Diffuser– I’m a huge fan of diffusing our essential oils to help support our everyday routines. Some oils are immunity boosting and others help my kids settle down to do homework. My diffusers are all plastic and I’m looking to switch to the  Aroma Globe option that is made with glass. Young Living also carries the Aria diffuser which is beautiful, but a little more expensive. Order  a starter set of oils to get someone covered from head to toe!

Dry Brush Set– adding dry brushing to your wellness routine helps your body naturally detox. Dry brushing helps stimulate the lymph in the body and get it moving. Toxins can get stuck in the lymph so we want to get it moving and clearing out of the system. I recommend doing this before your shower. You will be amazed at how much better your skin looks once you start a regular routine!

Emily Ley Recipe Binder-collecting your recipes in one place is the first tip I give people when they start meal planning. I like Emily’s planners and the Recipe book is a great match to anyone who is a fan of the Simplicity Planner. {Note-this is currently 40% off at publication}

Plan to Eat– if someone you know doesn’t want “stuff” this is a great alternative! Plan to Eat is a meal planning program. It’s a digital product that allows you to save magazines you read about online (or in my meal plans) and save them to a private database. You then create a weekly meal plan and select the recipes that work for you. Plan to Eat automatically creates a grocery list for you. My favorite part is being able to print the list so I can bring it to the store without getting distracted by my phone. {Currently 50% off Black Friday subscriptions happening!}

Himalayan Salt Lamp-turn these on at night to help quiet the world. The thought is the salt lamps help buffer the EMF (electro magnetic frequencies from wireless signals.) I like to keep these on while we fall asleep, and then also get a wireless shut off timer for our routers. 

Instant Pot-I totally recommend the 8 quart option. I’m using it to cook sweet potatoes, hard boiled eggs, and bone broth super fast. {note: this is currently an Amazon deal of the day}

Healthy Holidays Gifts for Men

Clean Slate Charcoal Duo– did you know our skin detoxes about two pounds of toxins per day?! Isn’t that wild? You can help support your skin with the charcoal soap and mask. Use on a weekly basis. This is a wonderful gift for a husband or a friend.

S’well Tumblers-a fabulous upgrade for your coffee/tea/water to-go!

Air Purifier– this one is actually on my own list. We have a beautiful wood burning fireplace, but I don’t love how the smoke seems to remain in the air. I’m getting one to help clean up the air in our family room.

Healthy Holidays Gifts for the Family

Blue Blocking Glasses-grab a pair of these for your spouse or a friend. The new styles are so much better than the original! This brand even has kid sizes too.

EMF Blocking Blanket– if your kids are getting some form of wireless device for the holidays, I urge you to get one of these EMF blocking blankets. The newest research is showing damaging effects of the EMF. I like this style that’s gender neutral and is perfect if you have a kid that likes to curl up with their device to watch something. (Also, if they are just playing a game, switch it to airplane mode.)

Personal Meal Plan Gift Certificate– I recently sold my personal meal plans as gift certificates at our local marketplace. I thought I would offer you the same opportunity. One customer purchased it to give to her husband as a gift so he can get a personalized meal plan. I’m excited to work on this in the new year. Gift certificates need to be redeemed by March 2018. Click here to purchase one!

Hanna Andersson pajamas– as I learn more about protecting our body from chemicals, I’ve realized our choice of pajamas is very important. I’ve learned to look for GOTS certified clothes, or OEKO-TEX® certification. Both of these mean the clothing is not treated with flame retardants. You can find adorable chemical-free pajamas over at Hanna Andersson.  They have sizes for all ages so you can be coordinated on Christmas morning!

Mini Trampoline– we had grandparents get one for our kids last Christmas and it was a huge hit. I love that there is somewhere for the kids to burn off energy all winter long. We got the Pure Fun version with the handrail so the littlest one had a safety bar. After our move they took it off and it’s even better!

Healthy Holiday Gifts for Bakers

Beautiful measuring cups-having two sets is super helpful for holiday baking. These make a great hostess gift too.

Marble Cookbook Stand-this elevates the home cook’s work space just a bit. This works great for tablets and magazines best.

Healthy Holiday Gifts for Gardeners

Heirloom seed kit-this one from Williams Sonoma is ideal for small spaces. Start some seeds in the winter to help keep spirits up during the dark, cold days.

Garden jar Kitchen Herb kit-mason jars just call to me! This is one of the Oprah healthy holiday gift selections. It’s cute and functional. Modern Sprouts also has a grow house that is one of the prettiest greenhouses I’ve seen on the market.


Alright, that was a lot. Tell me which is your favorite healthy holiday gift? Happy shopping.