Why yes, I still meal plan. Mostly. Well maybe not as well as I used to for the past two years but I’m so ready to get back on track to map our our family dinner plans. My last official meal plan post here was June 16, prior to taking time away from the computer and spending it at the beach. Then came back to school and Madison’s surgery and alas, here we are in November, ready to bring some organization back to the table as we head into the fun holiday season.
On deck this week:
Monday~ leftover (fiery) Chili
Tuesday~ Greek Style Shrimp with Feta and Broccoli. {new recipe from Dinner: A Love Story cookbook}
Wednesday~ Pomegranate Pork Loin in the slow cooker and green beans on side. Also a D:ALS recipe.
Thursday~ Hot Dogs by request and a salad
Friday~ Pizza night with our homemade pizza dough in the bread maker.
Doesn’t this look delicious?! Pomegranate pork loin. Recipe source.
What are you making these days for dinner? Any favorite new recipe sources you can share?
For more inspiration, see my past menus here, or the Pinterest board here, or OrgJunkie for a link-up of meal plans.