September and Back-to-School season has always been an exciting time for me, both as a student and now as a mother. It is a fun time to start fresh after the dog days of summer. I always loved new school supplies as a kid, and it’s the same way now. Give me an empty notebook and my eyes will light up at the possibilities.
Now I am a mother to two great little kids. We don’t have any stake in back to school season this year as we are all home together. However, I still feel a pull towards renewing goals and a quest for learning something new. Here is where my head is as we start the wonderful month of September.
1. Spend more time on my blog cultivating a resource for the latest in recycled products, upcycled crafts, and beneficial product reviews.
2. Clean out our basement. Learn to manage a mix Craigslist, EBay or Freecycle. Less clutter will free us from spending time spent searching for things in those dark corners.
3. Come up with a resource list of activities for both our two and a half year old and our seven month old. Winter is coming and I want to have a plan.
4. Menu plan. I love to cook, I just want to get better organized this season. Maybe this will be the time to try Freezer Cooking.
5. Streamline my Twitter feed. I got this suggestion from Tsh at SimpleMom’s podcast.
I share this here as feel more accountable once it’s in print. If you have success stories for any of these similar goals, I would love to hear them. Or share what your fall goals may be. Thanks for reading and sharing your ideas as well.