A Lot to Say makes message apparel made from plastic bottles. Amazingly the cotton is super soft.
Check out their website for tees, bags and more. Their umbrella is next on my list…
Here is their manifesto which is so wonderful I wanted to share it:
A Lot To Say: Our Manifesto
If you think something, say it.
If you believe something, say it.
If you want something, say it.
Because saying it creates new awareness.
Awareness sparks new behavior.
And new behavior inspires us all to be better.
If we speak out, others will act out.
To vote. Recycle. Save.
To think a little more.
To try a little harder.
To live more honestly.
Thoughtfully. Joyfully.
You have a lot to say.
So never be afraid to say it.
Or wear it.
Now, the winner of the super cute $80 value sheet set for a girls twin bed is…
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