I am partnering with the CARE TO RECYCLE program and The Motherhood. All opinions shared here are my own.
With Earth Day on April 22nd, it’s the time of year when we evaluate our level of “green.” Are we recycling enough? Are the kids turning the lights off when they leave the room? How do we educate the need to recycle, and also the how? We have talked about recycling with our kids since they were little and they are pretty fluent in knowing what items go in which bin. Yet there is one room where we can do a better job.
The bathroom.
Did you know only 1 in 5 people say they consistently recycle items they use in the bathroom? It’s hard, I know. Not everything is labeled. You don’t want to make a mistake and put in the “wrong” item. The good news is that so many of the items we come in contact with in the bathroom can be recycled.
- Toilet paper rolls
- Cardboard cartons from over-the-counter medicines.
- Shampoo bottles
- Empty prescription bottles
- Shaving cream can
Space is often limited in the bathroom so there may not be room for a recycling bin. Our system is to leave these items at the top of the stairs when they are empty. Another idea is to discard the cartons before they even reach the bathroom. Some families can put a recycling bin in their second floor laundry room.
Here are some fun projects to reuse some of those bathroom products too.

Fun toilet paper owls! (source)

Fun pencil holders made from shampoo bottles! Use acetone to remove the print (source)

Cute iPhone Caddy (source)
Join me and other parents as we chat on Earth Day at a Twitter Party, 12:00 EST. #CareToRecycle
What: Did you know that four out of five American adults aren’t consistently recycling their personal health and beauty products? We’re talking perfectly recyclable everyday bathroom items like empty shampoo and lotion bottles. That’s why The Motherhood is excited to join the Johnson & Johnson Family of Consumer Companies’ CARE TO RECYCLE® program to help spread the word about recycling in the bathroom. This Earth Day, we’re getting the whole family involved!
During the chat, we’ll be sharing fun, easy ways to teach your kids the importance of recycling beyond the kitchen and into the bathroom, and we encourage you to share your tips, too! We will be joined by two special guests, Keep America Beautiful and Recyclebank, who will be stopping by to share their tips and ideas, as well.
When: Wednesday, April 22 (Earth Day) at noon ET
Where: We’ll be on Twitter – follow the #CareToRecycle hashtag to track the conversation. You can see the details and RSVP via this Vite: http://vite.io/TheMotherhoodChats
Prizes! During the chat, we’ll be giving away five prizes to randomly selected participants who correctly answer the trivia questions tweeted by @TMChatHost. Four (4) winners will receive one (1) prize pack of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies health and beauty products. One (1) winner will receive one (1) partner prize pack including a $100 gift card to onetwine.com, courtesy of Recyclebank, and a family pack of t-shirts made from recycled content, courtesy of Keep America Beautiful.
Prizes limited to U.S. participants only. Official rules here.
Hosts: @TheMotherhood, @TMChatHost, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann
Co-hosts: @realadvicegal, @carogonza, @shoppingduck, @LittleUsBlog, @EmilyARoach, @busymomblog, @KBWhiskey, @allthingsfadra, @ALuckyLadybug, @ourpieceofearth
Special guests: @Recyclebank, @recyclesday
See you at the party!
It’s amazing how many things can be recycled! Having visited our recycling center, I know it’s better to put things in the bin and let them be sorted out by the machines rather than throwing them in the trash! Thanks for the super cute craft ideas and I look forward to chatting with you during the Twitter party!
I’ve never seen a recycling center in action…time for me to book a field trip!
I am always surprised by the lack Shampoo bottle recyling and love these ideas to celebrate with the kids tomorrow.
I LOVE the little owls. Its really sad that where I live we cant recycle it makes me feel terrible.
We’re a recycling friendly family but I’m still learning about items I think are non-recyclable that really are! Thanks for raising awareness about this!
I love all the craft ideas you posted for bathroom recyclables! I can definitely see my daughter loving the pencil holders made from shampoo bottles. Actually, I could see my husband really liking them, too! I’ll have to add these to our list of holiday crafts to do.
Amazing post.
Such an interesting ideas shared in your post. People will definitely get inspired by your post. Thanks for raising awareness about it.
Thanks for sharing. It’s very nice and innovative. Very inspired……
thank you for sharing these amazing tips. having damage items is really a sucker. especially if it is from the bathroom. having no budget for this will have a hard time