
We haven’t bought a crib mattress since we set up my daughter’s nursery over four years ago. I remember there was just one organic option at the local big box store so we went with that product. Now there are so many more non-toxic mattresses available in crib size so you can sleep easy knowing your little one is sleeping in a healthy environment. A lot of conventional crib mattresses are covered with toxic fire retardants and other chemicals. The mattresses from Sopora are non-toxic and are available at an affordable price point. We are in the market for a new one since my two monkeys have a love affair with jumping in the crib lately.
Normally the caveat with Eco-friendly mattresses is that they are expensive, especially those that are made in the USA. Now, a safe sleeping surface is affordable with Sopora, the prices start at just $167 for a Classic Crib Mattress! Why buy a conventional, imported mattress when you can get one for a comparable price that’s made right in the U.S. and will let you sleep easy knowing your baby is safe?
Features of the Sopora Perfect Crib Mattress: 
  • Greenguard: Children & Schools certified for emissions and off-gassing
  • Vinyl, PVC, lead, and phthaltes free
  • Eco-friendly ultra firm high density foam is 100% renewable
  • Fireproof Chemical Additive FREE
  • Features new Celliant biologically responsive cover for optimum health, clinically proven to increase oxygen levels in the body
  • Advanced CoolGel foam regulates body temperature
  • Dust mite and bed bug proof
  • Stain and Odor Resistant
  • Medical Grade Nylon Fabric Cover, Waterproof

Purchase: You can purchase the Sopora Perfect Crib Mattress directly from the brand. They have many other options available, including changing pads and bassinet/cradle mattresses. A few Sopora crib mattresses are also available on Amazon.


Win It! Sopora is blessing one of you with the Perfect Crib Mattress.

Giveaway ends March 6th at 12:01 am, open to US residents, ages 18+. To enter please use the Rafflecopter form below (see directions on how to enter here). Thank you!

Disclaimer: AnaB Social, Eco-Babyz, and all participating event bloggers are not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Special thanks to AnaB Social for hosting this giveaway. Huge thanks to all participating bloggers as well! I did not receive anything for this giveaway, just thought it was a cool product to share!

As December begins, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of the holiday season. Presents to buy, packages to ship, parties to attend…it takes a real effort to slow down and enjoy the littles details that come along with this wonderful holiday of ours.  I took a few minutes today to write down the activities that are really important for me to share with my kids.  When I think back to my own Christmas as a child, it wasn’t the presents I remember best, (although there was that really awesome My Little Pony Castle one year) but the small moments of togetherness that warms my heart. Favorite stories like the Santa Mouse, and making buckeye balls with my mom and sister, are the moments I cherish. In no particular order, here are the things I want to accomplish this holiday season with my family. In the comments, I would love to hear what you have on your list.

Holiday Bucket List

As we start to decorate our home for the holidays, I’m trying to be mindful of the products we choose to use and display. There are so many whimsical (and cheap) plastic holiday decorations in the stores, it’s easy to get caught up in buying them. This year I’m trying to keep our holiday design space simple and healthy. For us, that means no toxic smelling candles, no synthetic fragranced lotions and excess plastic decorations. This year it will be a lot more glass, fresh pine boughs and cranberry filled vases.

As a mom, and the shopper in our house, I am responsible for creating a healthy home. I try to educate myself by learning which ingredients to watch out for, and which products might pollute the air in our home. With two little ones in the house, I want to make sure the air we breathe is as clean as can be. Did you know many laundry and dishwasher detergent release fumes into the air that can create a toxic environment for your family? Once you start learning about this stuff, it’s really hard to go back.

I recently tested out The Honest Company line of products and they fill my need to buy green products for our family without breaking the bank.  There are so many questionable ingredients from the brands we grew up with and trust. We are lucky to have new companies join the movement to offer a healthier choice for our kids. Jessica Alba started The Honest Company once she became a mom and questioned some of the ingredients commonly found in kid’s products. She did something about it and created options that are safe, but also work. I’ve tried so many green products over the years and there is nothing more frustrating than realizing the item you spent extra money for doesn’t even work. No one of the “green” mindset wants to be wasteful. I want the products in my home to be effective, but hopefully pretty!

Madison loved her special body wash!

I make a lot of exceptions for other things around the holidays, like more TV time to watch holiday favorites and loads more sweets than usual.  At least if I can keep our environment at home less toxic, that will give us all a head start on staying healthy this holiday season.

The Honest Company was started by a mom and a dad who, like many modern parents, were increasingly worried about products made with questionable chemical ingredients. But the alternatives they found were often expensive, inaccessible, bland, or ineffective. In response to this clear need for something better, they created The Honest Company to ensure that parents (or anyone for that matter!) could easily find natural and non-toxic eco-friendly products that are beautiful, effective, and affordable. From customized product bundles to diapers and wipes to an ever-expanding line of cleaning and personal care products, you can find everything you need at and have it delivered directly to your front door.
Give it a try! Click here to become a member of The Honest Company community and start your free trial today.

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Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Honest Company. The opinions and text are my own.