My guest writer today is Olivia Golding, who is sharing how to better recycle your kitchen waste. We use a compost in our home but there are even more options available to you depending on where you live.  

Reuse your kitchen waste

You’ve probably noticed that environmental issues have crept steadily higher up the news agenda over the last 20 years or so. There are good reasons for this – for one thing, the need to tackle climate change grows more urgent by the year. Of course, the causes of man-made climate change are numerous. For one thing, industrial activity produces massive amounts of greenhouse gases. However, it’s worth remembering that households can and should do their bit. While all of us can look to be less wasteful, we can only make a difference if we work together. It might seem hopeless being more eco-friendly when others aren’t doing likewise, but it is worth the effort.

Here are a few ways you can recycle your kitchen waste:

1)    Your local authority may have given you a kitchen caddy when you can use to collect scraps of food waste. This will be collected and taken to a local facility to be composted. Fruit and vegetable peelings, egg shells, tea bags and filter papers can be composted. However, cooked food, fish, meat and dairy products cannot.

2)    If you don’t have a kitchen caddy, then any container will do. Covered buckets are best, though, as they help to keep the odor from escaping.

3)    You could also choose to install a compost bin in your back garden, which you can then use to make your own compost for your garden. It might seem a little unsightly at first, but there are steps you can take to disguise it and make its appearance a little less out of kilter with the rest of the garden.

4)    You could also recycle kitchen waste by using a wormery. These efficient units house worms which recycle waste into organic compost. They come in a variety of different sizes, and you can find starter kits at garden centers.

Worm compost

Can you spy the worms? Image Credit

5)    Your local council may be able to help you get a composter, often at a discount. Get in touch with them to see whether they can help you with the cost or provide any other useful advice.

6)    You could choose to take your kitchen waste to a composting site. Alternatively, you could allow your local council to do this for you. Again, get in touch with your local authority and ask for any further clarification.

7)    You can also re-use food waste for a variety of purposes. For instance, you could decorate egg shells by painting them, or you could make a wall of egg shells around your plants to help deter slugs and other insects.

8)    Leftover seeds, nuts and breadcrumbs are ideal for feeding birds. This is a great way of making use of some unwanted foods. Naturally, you’ll need to be careful just what you feed them. You can find out more simply by searching online.

9)    There are special composting bins available. A two-chambered bin allows you to start composting on one side, whilst placing fresh waste into the other.

10) Perhaps the most effective way of reducing food waste is being economical about what you buy and when. However, if you have food which is approaching its best-before date, then your best bet may be to donate it to a local food bank or homeless shelter where it will be gratefully received.

About the Author

This post was contributed by Olivia Golding. She’s an aspiring writer and has a keen interest in green living. She loves to cook and so prides herself on being minimal with food wastage, cooking large batches of meals for her grateful flatmates. It’s become such a big part of her life that she’s tried her hand at catering for gatherings in her local area, spreading the word of the benefits of green living (she almost has a cult following!). That’s why she’s always on the lookout for bargain catering equipment and solid recipes to maintain her newest adventure; so watch this space! She hopes you found this post super useful, and will take it on board to live a more sustainable life!


I’m welcoming Kristina from The Greening of Westford back again today to highlight a few things you can recycle that you may not be aware of. Everyone assumes I write a “recycling” blog when they hear my blog name, but it isn’t what I spend a lot of time highlighting. I appreciate Kristina sharing this list of random recyclable items!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  That old saying is in that order for a reason.  It’s better to reduce first, then reuse, then, when all else fails, recycle.  Jumping right in to reduce and reuse can be more difficult since it causes more changes to your normal routine.  With certain items, it just may not be an option.  Here are some easy items that can head to your recycling bin or local store instead of the trash.

Surprising Recycling Items

1)    Eye glasses   The Lions Club has collection boxes in many locations or ask a local eye glass shop or eye doctor.

2)    Brita Filters    Every Whole Foods recycles Brita filters through the Gimme 5 program.

3)    Cosmetic Tubes or jars   Origins Makeup Stores and counters will accept any brand of cosmetic tube, bottle or jar.

4)    Pizza Box    Some recyclers will accept pizza boxes without too much grease.  THIS IS VERY RECYCLER-dependent, so ask, it could ruin lots of other recyclables.  Even if you can’t recycle greasy boxes, you can usually still recycle the top part.

5)    Wine Corks    All Whole Foods locations collect natural wine corks in conjunction with Cork ReHarvest.

6)    Yoga Mats    Recycle Your Mat will recycle your used up yoga mat.  You can find a location near you or ship your mat.

7)    Plastic bags     Even if you bring your reusable bags everywhere, you probably still end up with a few. All #2 and #4 plastic bags/wrappers can be recycled at many grocery stores. This includes all grocery/store bags, produce bags, bread bags, toilet paper/paper towel wrapping, and bags for grapes, carrots, and cauliflower. Look for the #2 or #4 chasing arrows recycling symbol printed on the bag or wrapper. It’s on more than you might think!  The bags must be clean and dry.

A little known fact:  Trash pickup costs towns/cities big bucks!  If you live in a city or town that pays any portion of your trash/recycling pickup, get in touch with them.  They are very eager to encourage recycling where they can to reduce this budget and will be a huge wealth of information on reducing your trash in your specific area.

Do you know any more surprising items to recycle?

About the Author

Kristina Greene is the founder and editor of The Greening Of Westford blog.  She focuses on practical eco-friendly actions anyone can do to save time, money, aggravation, oh, and the planet!  Connect with her through her blog, facebook and twitter.

One question I get asked often is, “How did you learn how to be green?” For me, it’s an ongoing learning process. However, most of what I do was taught to me by my parents. If anyone could live off the land, it would be my Dad. He taught our family a lot about making the most of our resources, reducing our waste impact, and growing much of our own food in the summer months. One could also say he is really frugal, which spearheaded a lot of these routines. Totally true, but he taught me many valuable lessons about how be eco-responsible well before it became the trendy thing to do.

Teach Kids to be Green

I walked around the house the past few weeks looking at all the ways I encourage and teach my kids to be green. Some are simple words we use, others are the systems we have in place for our family. The list below is ways that work for our family, with children four and under. As they grow, I expect this list will change and hopefully expand as they take on more responsibilities.

Recycling Bin for Closet

  • Recycling station is accessible and easy to understand. The kids also learn what can and can’t be recycled. 
  • Compost is a part of their vocabulary; they know to save their banana peels and apple cores for the shiny bucket under the sink.
  • Walk to do errands instead of driving
  • Offer paper from the recycling bin for coloring. Explain the importance of using both sides of a paper.
  • Turning off lights when we leave the room.
  • Conserving water. We encourage this while brushing teeth, washing hands and while washing dishes.
  • Use a shower timer. Both kids love showers and they know that when the timer is up, it’s time to get out.
  • Not wasting food. Still tough for them to understand, I’m trying to be more mindful of reducing their portions and let them ask for seconds instead.
  • Spending time outdoors instead of in front of the TV
  • Explaining the idea of making donations when we have too much toy clutter.
  • Saving clothes that are too small for younger family members. (JJ thinks his girl cousin will wear all of his too-small clothes!)
  • Reusing the same glass throughout the day.
  • Teaching the kids how to cook and talk about where ingredients come from. We had a great conversation the other day when Madison asked if we could make maple syrup as our afternoon project.
  • Involve them in gardening if you have the space. Even if it’s just a pot of basil on the windowsill, let them help water and nurture the plant.
  • Reuse their artwork as wrapping paper or use what’s on hand, like newspaper.

Newspaper Wrapping Paper

What else do you practice in your home to educate kids to be green?