It makes me so happy to receive a recycling envelope in my box of new printer ink cartridges.

Decorate your own box, or use a reusable bag as gift wrap.
Do you have a new pair of jeans on your holiday wish list? I just learned about a program to recycle denim jeans into insulation. Not only would you be helping the environment by reducing waste, but also helping families benefiting from Habitat for Humanity. Cotton. From Blue to Green has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to provide the insulation needed for new homes.
Everyone is asking which is more eco-friendly, Real or Fake Christmas trees.
While I love cheese, I do not love plastic wrapped singles. However, my husband loves them in his grilled cheese sandwiches. All those wrappers…I wondered if these too could be recycled. Land o’Lakes answered me, and unfortunately the answer is no. So the eco-friendly choice is to buy sliced cheese from the deli counter, and buy only what you need for the week as the cheese won’t last nearly as long as the individually wrapped slices.

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and cook wonderful dishes. It’s also a time that many cans are tossed in the garbage. Remember to recycle those cans of cranberry sauce, peas, and pumpkin pie mix…
Here are some random paper items that you can recycle:
*Empty paper towel and bath tissue rolls
*The bag your morning bagel came in.
*Cardboard boxes from cereal, crackers, rice, brownies and most other food boxes in your cabinets.
*Phone books (visit to remove your name from the mailing list)
*Product displays from inside those plastic clam shell packages.
*Receipts you don’t need to save. Say no to receipts you don’t need, like at the ATM.
*Paper bags from the grocery store. Or reuse them as book covers or gift wrap.
Leave comments with other random paper items to recycle.
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