As the snow starts to fall, you may be wondering what you will do with your kids for the next 48 hours. Yes, school is cancelled. Yes, there is a blizzard coming to town. You have the food, hot cocoa and snow pants ready to go. Now what to do for the other 47 hours?
Here’s a list of 30 fun activities to do with the kids on a snow day. Got another idea? Share it in the comments!
- Watercolor the snow: use food dye and water in a spray bottle and go to town outside.
- Create a spa day for kids, mani/pedi’s for all.
- Have a tea party with mini sandwiches
- See how many puzzles you can make
- Create an arts & crafts table with tons of supplies, glue and free reign.
- Bring snow inside into the bathtub for some warmer snow fun! Think mini snowmen.
- Read a classic story out loud, like Anne of Green Gables
or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- No power? Hang out in a dark room with flashlights and play tag on the wall with your lights.
- Bake cookies. Lots of them. Like these ones. Share them with neighbors.
- Build a snow fort. Or a pirate ship. Get creative.
- Make some glitter slime.
- Melt old crayons in silicone molds, or muffin tins.
- Movie afternoon with homemade popcorn.
- Clean out an old toy shelf with the kids and see what’s new again.
- Draw pictures of the kids favorite activities in the summer.
- Cut out snowflakes (watch Youtube for different ideas)
- Write holiday thank you notes if it’s still on your list.
- Board games
- Make a huge indoor fort with couch pillows and blankets.
- Create indoor bowling with soda cans or empty toilet paper rolls.
- Make homemade playdough and add in some calming essential oils
- Dance party! (Charge up those iPhones.)
- Give the kids a big empty box. See what happens.
- Tape a maze on the floor and have kids drive small cars through it.
- Play dress up. Parents too!
- Break out the stamps and go to town.
- Create posters about each child. Mount pictures and stickers sharing their favorite things.
- Interview each other and write down the answers. What’s your favorite x, y, z? Have kids interview the parents.
- Build snowmen out of marshmallows. Pretzel stick arms and mini morsels for buttons and eyes.
- Relax. Enjoy and cuddle.
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I love these ideas — and am keeping them accessible because I know, know, know we’re getting more snow… any minute now 🙁
Looks like we’re going to need this again Emily! Here comes more snow…..
Great ideas for snow day activities! My kids would love to make glitter slime…even it if wasn’t snowing outside!